Looking for a tantalizing appetizer? Or a delicious soup to warm up your winter lunches? I’ve got you sorted! This fresh red pepper soup recipe is all that and...
Way back when I was young and foolish (last year), I bought some ricotta cheese to make an Italian pie. The sausage I was looking for was unavailable, and...
A dark chocolate cookie bursting with bits and pieces of chocolate, stuffed with none other than Nutella. Chocolate heaven? I think yes. Everyone loves these dark chocolate cookies...
Today I got a sour-coated message from life. It sucks. I’m probably being dramatic; it’s been a rough week… First-world problems 😉 It was U.N. Day at...
Eggs in purgatory… My first reaction: Strange name. I mean, the term “purgatory” refers to a place where souls repay their sins before going to heaven. Hell maybe? This...
I’m on the cross-country team at school, and the members are probably my favorite people. Personally, I think cross-country is the toughest sport; you need mental discipline, you...
This Starbucks Pumpkin Scones clone recipe is the perfect gateway to fall. This post for pumpkin scones (along with most of the images) was originally published in 2013. But...
My mother always says, “I don’t understand your obsession with baking,” but it’s so simple. Baking is therapeutic. School gets harder and harder each year, I don’t know...